Book Review: A Woman Wrapped in Silence

October 29, 2008 § Leave a comment

Mary, Mystical Rose

Mary, Mystical Rose

Once again, Someone inspired me to pull my latest spiritual read – A Woman Wrapped in Silence by John W. Lynch – off my shelf at just the right time. The book is an epic poem about the life of Mary as we know it from the Gospels. Theologically sound, the poem’s core can be found in the silence of Mary during the most key moments in her and Jesus’ lives. The result is an incredibly moving meditation on the silence and humility of Mary as she lived out as best she could her role in salvation history. The book makes wonderful reading for Adoration, or even for meditation during the rosary. I found I was only able to read a few pages or so at a time before I was moved to sit in silence myself. Find a copy for your personal library: you won’t be sorry you did!

Another hat tip to my mom for recommending I buy the book in the first place. Next spiritual read: A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist by Abbot Vonier!

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