My First Class Presentation

April 14, 2005 § Leave a comment

Okay, this sounds really lame, but I did my first class presentation ever today. Though I thought it would be the longest ten minutes of my life, it actually went by very quickly and before I knew it I was finished. My topic was Heidrich von Treitschke's vision of Civil Society and the role the capitalism played in this ideal. Dr. Misztal was quite pleased by my presentation, so it was a good start.

Otherwise, I had lunch with friends and enjoyed myself for an hour or so before I hit the books again. It was such a nice day out today that I simply had to do my homework outside (unfortunately I got some sun!).

In other news…I saw Fr. Pritzl once today in the Pryz and heard his voice while I was in the hallway outside of his office. Oh joy of joys! Someday I have to actually meet him. He is such a nice person.

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